fastapi_contrib package



fastapi_contrib.conf module

class fastapi_contrib.conf.Settings(_env_file: Optional[Union[pathlib.Path, str]] = '<object object>', _env_file_encoding: Optional[str] = None, _secrets_dir: Optional[Union[pathlib.Path, str]] = None, *, logger: str = 'logging', log_level: str = 'INFO', debug_timing: bool = False, request_id_header: str = 'Request-ID', service_name: str = 'fastapi_contrib', trace_id_header: str = 'X-TRACE-ID', jaeger_host: str = 'jaeger', jaeger_port: int = 5775, jaeger_sampler_type: str = 'probabilistic', jaeger_sampler_rate: float = 1.0, mongodb_dsn: str = 'mongodb://example:pwd@localhost:27017', mongodb_dbname: str = 'default', mongodb_min_pool_size: int = 0, mongodb_max_pool_size: int = 100, mongodb_id_generator: str = 'fastapi_contrib.db.utils.default_id_generator', now_function: str = None, TZ: str = 'UTC', fastapi_app: str = None, user_model: str = 'fastapi_contrib.auth.models.User', token_model: str = 'fastapi_contrib.auth.models.Token', token_generator: str = 'fastapi_contrib.auth.utils.default_token_generator', apps: List[str] = [], apps_folder_name: str = 'apps')[source]

Bases: pydantic.env_settings.BaseSettings

Configuration settings for this library.

For now you could only change the settings via CONTRIB_<ATTRIBUTE_NAME> environment variables.

  • logger – Dotted path to the logger (using this attribute, standard logging methods will be used: logging.debug(), .info(), etc.

  • log_level – Standard LEVEL for logging (DEBUG/INFO/WARNING/etc.)

  • debug_timing – Whether to enable time logging for decorated functions

  • request_id_header – String name for header, that is expected to have unique request id for tracing purposes. Might go away when we add opentracing here.

  • mongodb_dsn – DSN connection string to MongoDB

  • mongodb_dbname – String name of a database to connect to in MongoDB

  • mongodb_id_generator – Dotted path to the function, which will be used when assigning IDs for MongoDB records

  • now_function – Dotted path to the function, which will be used when assigning created field for MongoDB records. Should be used throughout the code for consistency.

  • fastapi_app – Dotted path to the instance of FastAPI main app.

  • user_model – Dotted path to the class, which will be used as the main user model in a project.

  • token_model – Dotted path to the class, which will be used as the main token model in a project.

  • token_generator – Dotted path to the function, which will be used when assigning key attribute of a token model.

  • apps – List of app names. For now only needed to detect models inside them and generate indexes upon startup (see: create_indexes)

  • apps_folder_name – Name of the folders which contains dirs with apps.

class Config[source]

Bases: object

env_prefix = 'CONTRIB_'
secrets_dir = None
TZ: str
apps: List[str]
apps_folder_name: str
debug_timing: bool
fastapi_app: str
jaeger_host: str
jaeger_port: int
jaeger_sampler_rate: float
jaeger_sampler_type: str
log_level: str
logger: str
mongodb_dbname: str
mongodb_dsn: str
mongodb_id_generator: str
mongodb_max_pool_size: int
mongodb_min_pool_size: int
now_function: str
request_id_header: str
service_name: str
token_generator: str
token_model: str
trace_id_header: str
user_model: str

fastapi_contrib.exception_handlers module

async fastapi_contrib.exception_handlers.http_exception_handler(request: starlette.requests.Request, exc: starlette.exceptions.HTTPException)fastapi_contrib.common.responses.UJSONResponse[source]
Handles StarletteHTTPException, translating it into flat dict error data:
  • code - unique code of the error in the system

  • detail - general description of the error

  • fields - list of dicts with description of the error in each field

  • request – Starlette Request instance

  • exc – StarletteHTTPException instance


UJSONResponse with newly formatted error data

async fastapi_contrib.exception_handlers.internal_server_error_handler(request: starlette.requests.Request, exc: fastapi.exceptions.RequestValidationError)fastapi_contrib.common.responses.UJSONResponse[source]
async fastapi_contrib.exception_handlers.not_found_error_handler(request: starlette.requests.Request, exc: fastapi.exceptions.RequestValidationError)fastapi_contrib.common.responses.UJSONResponse[source]
fastapi_contrib.exception_handlers.parse_error(err: Any, field_names: List, raw: bool = True)Optional[dict][source]

Parse single error object (such as pydantic-based or fastapi-based) to dict

  • err – Error object

  • field_names – List of names of the field that are already processed

  • raw – Whether this is a raw error or wrapped pydantic error


dict with name of the field (or “__all__”) and actual message

fastapi_contrib.exception_handlers.raw_errors_to_fields(raw_errors: List)List[dict][source]

Translates list of raw errors (instances) into list of dicts with name/msg


raw_errors – List with instances of raw error


List of dicts (1 dict for every raw error)

fastapi_contrib.exception_handlers.setup_exception_handlers(app: fastapi.applications.FastAPI)None[source]

Helper function to setup exception handlers for app. Use during app startup as follows:

app = FastAPI()

async def startup():

app – app object, instance of FastAPI



async fastapi_contrib.exception_handlers.validation_exception_handler(request: starlette.requests.Request, exc: fastapi.exceptions.RequestValidationError)fastapi_contrib.common.responses.UJSONResponse[source]
Handles ValidationError, translating it into flat dict error data:
  • code - unique code of the error in the system

  • detail - general description of the error

  • fields - list of dicts with description of the error in each field

  • request – Starlette Request instance

  • exc – StarletteHTTPException instance


UJSONResponse with newly formatted error data

fastapi_contrib.exceptions module

exception fastapi_contrib.exceptions.BadRequestError(error_code: int, detail: Any, fields: Optional[List[Dict]] = None)[source]

Bases: fastapi_contrib.exceptions.HTTPException

exception fastapi_contrib.exceptions.ForbiddenError(error_code: int = 403, detail: Any = 'Forbidden.', fields: Optional[List[Dict]] = None)[source]

Bases: fastapi_contrib.exceptions.HTTPException

exception fastapi_contrib.exceptions.HTTPException(status_code: int, error_code: int, detail: Optional[Any] = None, fields: Optional[List[Dict]] = None)[source]

Bases: starlette.exceptions.HTTPException

exception fastapi_contrib.exceptions.InternalServerError(error_code: int = 500, detail: Any = 'Internal Server Error.', fields: Optional[List[Dict]] = None)[source]

Bases: fastapi_contrib.exceptions.HTTPException

exception fastapi_contrib.exceptions.NotFoundError(error_code: int = 404, detail: Any = 'Not found.', fields: Optional[List[Dict]] = None)[source]

Bases: fastapi_contrib.exceptions.HTTPException

exception fastapi_contrib.exceptions.UnauthorizedError(error_code: int = 401, detail: Any = 'Unauthorized.', fields: Optional[List[Dict]] = None)[source]

Bases: fastapi_contrib.exceptions.HTTPException

fastapi_contrib.pagination module

class fastapi_contrib.pagination.Pagination(request: starlette.requests.Request, offset: int = Query(0), limit: int = Query(100))[source]

Bases: object

Query params parser and db collection paginator in one.

Use it as dependency in route, then invoke paginate with serializer:

app = FastAPI()

class SomeSerializer(ModelSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = SomeModel

async def list(pagination: Pagination = Depends()):
    filter_kwargs = {}
    return await pagination.paginate(
        serializer_class=SomeSerializer, **filter_kwargs

Subclass this pagination to define custom default & maximum values for offset & limit:

class CustomPagination(Pagination):
    default_offset = 90
    default_limit = 1
    max_offset = 100`
    max_limit = 2000
  • request – starlette Request object

  • offset – query param of how many records to skip

  • limit – query param of how many records to show

default_limit = 100
default_offset = 0
async get_count(**kwargs)int[source]

Retrieves counts for query list, filtered by kwargs.


kwargs – filters that are proxied in db query


number of found records

async get_list(_sort=None, **kwargs)list[source]

Retrieves actual list of records. It comes raw, which means it retrieves dict from DB, instead of making conversion for every object in list into Model.


kwargs – filters that are proxied in db query


list of dicts from DB, filtered by kwargs


Constructs next parameter in resulting JSON, produces URL for next “page” of paginated results.


URL for next “page” of paginated results.


Constructs previous parameter in resulting JSON, produces URL for previous “page” of paginated results.


URL for previous “page” of paginated results.

max_limit = 1000
max_offset = None
async paginate(serializer_class: fastapi_contrib.serializers.common.Serializer, _sort=None, **kwargs)dict[source]

Actual pagination function, takes serializer class, filter options as kwargs and returns dict with the following fields:

  • count - counts for query list, filtered by kwargs

  • next - URL for next “page” of paginated results

  • previous - URL for previous “page” of paginated results

  • result - actual list of records (dicts)

  • serializer_class – needed to get Model & sanitize list from DB

  • kwargs – filters that are proxied in db query


dict that should be returned as a response

class fastapi_contrib.pagination.PaginationMeta(name, bases, namespace, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: type

fastapi_contrib.permissions module

class fastapi_contrib.permissions.BasePermission(request: starlette.requests.Request)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Abstract permission that all other Permissions must be inherited from.

Defines basic error message, status & error codes.

Upon initialization, calls abstract method has_required_permissions which will be specific to concrete implementation of Permission class.

You would write your permissions like this:

class TeapotUserAgentPermission(BasePermission):

    def has_required_permissions(self, request: Request) -> bool:
        return request.headers.get('User-Agent') == "Teapot v1.0"
error_code = 403
error_msg = 'Forbidden.'
abstract has_required_permissions(request: starlette.requests.Request)bool[source]
status_code = 403
class fastapi_contrib.permissions.PermissionsDependency(permissions_classes: list)[source]

Bases: object

Permission dependency that is used to define and check all the permission classes from one place inside route definition.

Use it as an argument to FastAPI’s Depends as follows:

app = FastAPI()

async def teapot() -> dict:
    return {"teapot": True}

fastapi_contrib.routes module

class fastapi_contrib.routes.ValidationErrorLoggingRoute(path: str, endpoint: Callable[[...], Any], *, response_model: Optional[Type[Any]] = None, status_code: int = 200, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, dependencies: Optional[Sequence[fastapi.params.Depends]] = None, summary: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, response_description: str = 'Successful Response', responses: Optional[Dict[Union[int, str], Dict[str, Any]]] = None, deprecated: Optional[bool] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, methods: Optional[Union[Set[str], List[str]]] = None, operation_id: Optional[str] = None, response_model_include: Optional[Union[Set[Union[int, str]], Dict[Union[int, str], Any]]] = None, response_model_exclude: Optional[Union[Set[Union[int, str]], Dict[Union[int, str], Any]]] = None, response_model_by_alias: bool = True, response_model_exclude_unset: bool = False, response_model_exclude_defaults: bool = False, response_model_exclude_none: bool = False, include_in_schema: bool = True, response_class: Union[Type[starlette.responses.Response], fastapi.datastructures.DefaultPlaceholder] = <fastapi.datastructures.DefaultPlaceholder object>, dependency_overrides_provider: Optional[Any] = None, callbacks: Optional[List[starlette.routing.BaseRoute]] = None)[source]

Bases: fastapi.routing.APIRoute


Module contents

Top-level package for FastAPI Contrib.