Source code for fastapi_contrib.conf

import os
from pathlib import Path

from pydantic import BaseSettings
from typing import List, Optional

contrib_secrets_dir: Optional[str] = os.environ.get(
    "CONTRIB_SECRETS_DIR", "/run/secrets"
if not Path(contrib_secrets_dir).exists():
    contrib_secrets_dir = None

[docs]class Settings(BaseSettings): """ Configuration settings for this library. For now you could only change the settings via CONTRIB_<ATTRIBUTE_NAME> environment variables. :param logger: Dotted path to the logger (using this attribute, standard logging methods will be used: logging.debug(), .info(), etc. :param log_level: Standard LEVEL for logging (DEBUG/INFO/WARNING/etc.) :param debug_timing: Whether to enable time logging for decorated functions :param request_id_header: String name for header, that is expected to have unique request id for tracing purposes. Might go away when we add opentracing here. :param mongodb_dsn: DSN connection string to MongoDB :param mongodb_dbname: String name of a database to connect to in MongoDB :param mongodb_id_generator: Dotted path to the function, which will be used when assigning IDs for MongoDB records :param now_function: Dotted path to the function, which will be used when assigning `created` field for MongoDB records. Should be used throughout the code for consistency. :param fastapi_app: Dotted path to the instance of `FastAPI` main app. :param user_model: Dotted path to the class, which will be used as the main user model in a project. :param token_model: Dotted path to the class, which will be used as the main token model in a project. :param token_generator: Dotted path to the function, which will be used when assigning `key` attribute of a token model. :param apps: List of app names. For now only needed to detect models inside them and generate indexes upon startup (see: `create_indexes`) :param apps_folder_name: Name of the folders which contains dirs with apps. """ logger: str = "logging" log_level: str = "INFO" debug_timing: bool = False request_id_header: str = "Request-ID" service_name: str = "fastapi_contrib" trace_id_header: str = "X-TRACE-ID" jaeger_host: str = "jaeger" jaeger_port: int = 5775 jaeger_sampler_type: str = "probabilistic" jaeger_sampler_rate: float = 1.0 mongodb_dsn: str = "mongodb://example:pwd@localhost:27017" mongodb_dbname: str = "default" mongodb_min_pool_size: int = 0 mongodb_max_pool_size: int = 100 mongodb_id_generator: str = "fastapi_contrib.db.utils.default_id_generator" now_function: str = None TZ: str = "UTC" fastapi_app: str = None # e.g. "", where app = FastAPI() user_model: str = "fastapi_contrib.auth.models.User" token_model: str = "fastapi_contrib.auth.models.Token" token_generator: str = "fastapi_contrib.auth.utils.default_token_generator" apps: List[str] = [] apps_folder_name: str = "apps"
[docs] class Config: env_prefix = "CONTRIB_" secrets_dir = contrib_secrets_dir
# TODO: ability to override this settings class from the actual app settings = Settings()