Source code for fastapi_contrib.serializers.common

from abc import ABC
from typing import Iterable, List

from pydantic import BaseModel
from pymongo.results import UpdateResult

from fastapi_contrib.db.models import MongoDBModel

[docs]class AbstractMeta(ABC): exclude: set = set() model: MongoDBModel = None write_only_fields: set = set() read_only_fields: set = set()
[docs]class Serializer(BaseModel): """ Base Serializer class. Almost ALWAYS should be used in conjunction with `fastapi_contrib.serializers.openapi.patch` decorator to correctly handle inherited model fields and OpenAPI Schema generation with `response_model`. Responsible for sanitizing data & converting JSON to & from MongoDBModel. Contains supplemental function, related to MongoDBModel, mostly proxied to corresponding functions inside model (ex. save, update) Heavily uses `Meta` class for fine-tuning input & output. Main fields are: * exclude - set of fields that are excluded when serializing to dict and sanitizing list of dicts * model - class of the MongoDBModel to use, inherits fields from it * write_only_fields - set of fields that can be accepted in request, but excluded when serializing to dict * read_only_fields - set of fields that cannot be accepted in request, but included when serializing to dict Example usage: .. code-block:: python app = FastAPI() class SomeModel(MongoDBModel): field1: str @openapi.patch class SomeSerializer(Serializer): read_only1: str = "const" write_only2: int not_visible: str = "42" class Meta: model = SomeModel exclude = {"not_visible"} write_only_fields = {"write_only2"} read_only_fields = {"read_only1"} @app.get("/", response_model=SomeSerializer.response_model) async def root(serializer: SomeSerializer): model_instance = await return model_instance.dict() POST-ing to this route following JSON: .. code-block:: json {"read_only1": "a", "write_only2": 123, "field1": "b"} Should return following response: .. code-block:: json {"id": 1, "field1": "b", "read_only1": "const"} """
[docs] @classmethod def sanitize_list(cls, iterable: Iterable) -> List[dict]: """ Sanitize list of rows that comes from DB to not include `exclude` set. :param iterable: sequence of dicts with model fields (from rows in DB) :return: list of cleaned, without `excluded`, dicts with model rows """ def clean_d(d): if hasattr(cls.Meta, "exclude"): for e in cls.Meta.exclude: d.pop(e, None) return d return d return list(map(lambda x: clean_d(x), iterable))
[docs] async def save( self, include: set = None, exclude: set = None, rewrite_fields: dict = None, ) -> MongoDBModel: """ If we have `model` attribute in Meta, it populates model with data and saves it in DB, returning instance of model. :param rewrite_fields: dict of fields with values that override any other values for these fields right before inserting into DB. This is useful when you need to set some value explicitly based on request (e.g. user or token). :param include: fields to include from model in DB insert command :param exclude: fields to exclude from model in DB insert command :return: model (MongoDBModel) that was saved """ if ( hasattr(self, "Meta") and getattr(self.Meta, "model", None) is not None ): instance = self.Meta.model(**self.__dict__) await include=include, exclude=exclude, rewrite_fields=rewrite_fields ) return instance
[docs] async def update_one( self, filter_kwargs: dict, skip_defaults: bool = True, array_fields: list = None, ) -> UpdateResult: """ If we have `model` attribute in Meta, it proxies filters & update data and after that returns actual result of update operation. :return: result of update operation """ if ( hasattr(self, "Meta") and getattr(self.Meta, "model", None) is not None ): data = {} fields = self.dict(skip_defaults=skip_defaults) if not array_fields: array_fields = [] if array_fields: tmp_data = {} for i in array_fields: tmp_data[i] = {"$each": fields.pop(i)} data.update({"$push": tmp_data}) if fields: data.update({"$set": fields}) return await self.Meta.model.update_one( filter_kwargs=filter_kwargs, **data )
[docs] async def update_many( self, filter_kwargs: dict, skip_defaults: bool = True, array_fields: list = None, ) -> UpdateResult: """ If we have `model` attribute in Meta, it proxies filters & update data and after that returns actual result of update operation. :return: result of update many operation """ if ( hasattr(self, "Meta") and getattr(self.Meta, "model", None) is not None ): data = {} fields = self.dict(skip_defaults=skip_defaults) if not array_fields: array_fields = [] if array_fields: tmp_data = {} for i in array_fields: tmp_data[i] = {"$each": fields.pop(i)} data.update({"$push": tmp_data}) if fields: data.update({"$set": fields}) return await self.Meta.model.update_many( filter_kwargs=filter_kwargs, **data )
[docs] def dict(self, *args, **kwargs) -> dict: """ Removes excluded fields based on `Meta` and `kwargs` :return: dict of serializer data fields """ exclude = kwargs.get("exclude") if not exclude: exclude = set() exclude.update({"_id"}) if hasattr(self.Meta, "exclude") and self.Meta.exclude: exclude.update(self.Meta.exclude) if ( hasattr(self.Meta, "write_only_fields") and self.Meta.write_only_fields ): exclude.update(self.Meta.write_only_fields) kwargs.update({"exclude": exclude}) original = super().dict(*args, **kwargs) return original
[docs] class Meta(AbstractMeta): ...
[docs]class ModelSerializer(Serializer): """ Left as a proxy for correct naming until we figure out how to inherit all the specific to model-handling methods and fields directly in here. """ ...