Source code for fastapi_contrib.db.models

from datetime import datetime
from typing import List, Optional

from pydantic import validator, BaseModel
from pymongo.results import UpdateResult, DeleteResult

from fastapi_contrib.common.utils import async_timing, get_now
from fastapi_contrib.db.utils import get_db_client, get_next_id

[docs]class NotSet(object): ...
notset = NotSet()
[docs]class MongoDBModel(BaseModel): """ Base Model to use for any information saving in MongoDB. Provides `id` field as a base, populated by id-generator. Use it as follows: .. code-block:: python class MyModel(MongoDBModel): additional_field1: str optional_field2: int = 42 class Meta: collection = "mymodel_collection" mymodel = MyModel(additional_field1="value") assert mymodel.additional_field1 == "value" assert mymodel.optional_field2 == 42 assert isinstance(, int) """ id: int = None
[docs] @validator("id", pre=True, always=True) def set_id(cls, v, values, **kwargs) -> int: """ If id is supplied (ex. from DB) then use it, otherwise generate new. """ if v: return v return get_next_id()
[docs] @classmethod def get_db_collection(cls) -> str: return cls.Meta.collection
[docs] @classmethod @async_timing async def get(cls, **kwargs) -> Optional["MongoDBModel"]: db = get_db_client() result = await db.get(cls, **kwargs) if not result: return None result["id"] = result.pop("_id") return cls(**result)
[docs] @classmethod @async_timing async def delete(cls, **kwargs) -> DeleteResult: db = get_db_client() result = await db.delete(cls, **kwargs) return result
[docs] @classmethod @async_timing async def count(cls, **kwargs) -> int: db = get_db_client() result = await db.count(cls, **kwargs) return result
[docs] @classmethod @async_timing async def list(cls, raw=True, _limit=0, _offset=0, _sort=None, **kwargs): db = get_db_client() cursor = db.list( cls, _limit=_limit, _offset=_offset, _sort=_sort, **kwargs ) result = [] async for document in cursor: document["id"] = document.pop("_id") result.append(document) if not raw: return (cls(**record) for record in result) return result
[docs] @async_timing async def save( self, include: set = None, exclude: set = None, rewrite_fields: dict = None, ) -> int: db = get_db_client() if not rewrite_fields: rewrite_fields = {} for field, value in rewrite_fields.items(): setattr(self, field, value) insert_result = await db.insert(self, include=include, exclude=exclude) = insert_result.inserted_id return
[docs] @classmethod @async_timing async def update_one(cls, filter_kwargs: dict, **kwargs) -> UpdateResult: db = get_db_client() result = await db.update_one( cls, filter_kwargs=filter_kwargs, **kwargs ) return result
[docs] @classmethod @async_timing async def update_many(cls, filter_kwargs: dict, **kwargs) -> UpdateResult: db = get_db_client() result = await db.update_many( cls, filter_kwargs=filter_kwargs, **kwargs ) return result
[docs] @classmethod @async_timing async def create_indexes(cls) -> Optional[List[str]]: if hasattr(cls.Meta, "indexes"): db = get_db_client() collection = db.get_collection(cls.Meta.collection) return await collection.create_indexes(cls.Meta.indexes)
[docs] class Config: anystr_strip_whitespace = True
[docs]class MongoDBTimeStampedModel(MongoDBModel): """ TimeStampedModel to use when you need to have `created` field, populated at your model creation time. Use it as follows: .. code-block:: python class MyTimeStampedModel(MongoDBTimeStampedModel): class Meta: collection = "timestamped_collection" mymodel = MyTimeStampedModel() assert isinstance(, int) assert isinstance(mymodel.created, datetime) """ created: datetime = None
[docs] @validator("created", pre=True, always=True) def set_created_now(cls, v: datetime) -> datetime: """ If created is supplied (ex. from DB) -> use it, otherwise generate new. """ if v: return v return get_now()