Source code for fastapi_contrib.common.utils

import importlib
import sys
import pytz

from datetime import datetime
from functools import wraps
from time import time
from typing import Any

from fastapi import FastAPI

from fastapi_contrib.conf import settings

[docs]def resolve_dotted_path(path: str) -> Any: """ Retrieves attribute (var, function, class, etc.) from module by dotted path .. code-block:: python from datetime.datetime import utcnow as default_utcnow utcnow = resolve_dotted_path('datetime.datetime.utcnow') assert utcnow == default_utcnow :param path: dotted path to the attribute in module :return: desired attribute or None """ splitted = path.split(".") if len(splitted) <= 1: return importlib.import_module(path) module, attr = ".".join(splitted[:-1]), splitted[-1] module = importlib.import_module(module) return getattr(module, attr)
[docs]def get_logger() -> Any: """ Gets logger that will be used throughout this whole library. First it finds and imports the logger, then if it can be configured using loguru-compatible config, it does so. :return: desired logger (pre-configured if loguru) """ lib_logger = resolve_dotted_path(settings.logger) # Check whether it is loguru-compatible logger if hasattr(lib_logger, "configure"): logger_config = { "handlers": [ { "sink": sys.stdout, "level": settings.log_level, "format": "<green>{time:YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS}</green>" " | <level>{level: <8}</level> | " "<cyan>{name}</cyan>:<cyan>{function}</cyan>:" "<cyan>{line}</cyan> -" " <level>{message}</level>", } ] } lib_logger.configure(**logger_config) return lib_logger
logger = get_logger()
[docs]def get_current_app() -> FastAPI: """ Retrieves FastAPI app instance from the path, specified in project's conf. :return: FastAPI app """ # TODO: cache this app = resolve_dotted_path(settings.fastapi_app) return app
[docs]def async_timing(func): """ Decorator for logging timing of async functions. Used in this library internally for tracking DB functions performance. :param func: function to be decorated :return: wrapped function """ @wraps(func) async def wrap(*args, **kwargs): time1 = time() raised_exception = True try: ret = await func(*args, **kwargs) raised_exception = False if not settings.debug_timing: return ret finally: time2 = time() duration = (time2 - time1) * 1000.0 logger.debug( "\t [TIMING] {:s} {:s} {:.3f} ms".format( func.__module__.ljust(20), func.__name__.ljust(20), duration, ) ) if not raised_exception: return ret return wrap
[docs]def get_now() -> datetime: """ Retrieves `now` function from the path, specified in project's conf. :return: datetime of "now" """ # TODO: cache this if settings.now_function: return resolve_dotted_path(settings.now_function)() return
[docs]def get_timezone(): """ Retrieves timezone name from settings and tries to create tzinfo from it. :return: tzinfo object """ return pytz.timezone(settings.TZ)